Burnout Wiki


The route is mainly driving along South Bay Expressway, from White Mountain, onto the small container yard after the South Bay Bridge. Someone would go down the first step, reverse and back up against the wall. The next person would  slowly accelerate to the other car, dropping onto the car below. It doesn't matter if your car gets wrecked if your are the person who takedowns the other car, as long the other says "Taken Down" on their screen.

After doing the takedowns, drive along Harber or Manners, either to the I-88 on ramp loops connected to Harber, or simply ascend the parking structure on Hall, or preferably Manners, then use any ramp that aims towards the I-88 to leap onto the I-88. After doing this, easily cruise down the I-88 towards the toll booths.


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Advised Cars
Advised Boost: Stunt Advised Speed Stat: Any Advised Boost Stat: Any
